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This article will help you if you encounter any of the following issues:

- Your wristband is stained or blackened 
- Your wristband is causing you skin sensitivities



Your wristband is stained or blackened

If your wristband is stained or blackened, we advise you to run the silicone band under warm water and rub it with hypoallergenic soap. Note that the wristband color may fade over time.

Your wristband is causing you skin sensitivities

Pulse HR is designed to be worn all day and night. To make sure you have the best experience, we recommend you to follow the tips below:

  • Make sure your wristband is clean and dry, particularly after workouts (running, swimming…). It’s also important to clean the inside of your wristband, especially after a shower.
  • Let your skin breathe. If you wear your Pulse HR all day, do not hesitate to remove it for at least an hour. For instance, you can remove your tracker before taking shower.
  • Make sure your wristband is tight enough while still remaining comfortable. If you experience redness, we recommend you to loosen your wristband a bit.

Note that your wristband should be cleaned regularly. Moisturizers, soaps and sweat residues can cause skin irritations.

In case of skin irritation, we advise you to get in touch with a dermatologist before you put your Pulse HR back on.

If you still encounter issues with your wristband, reach out to Customer Service by clicking the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page.

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