BPM Connect + App - An error message is displayed on the screen. What should I do?
This article will help you if you receive any of the following error messages:
- ERROR 201: The cuff is not tight correctly. Click here for more information on how to position BPM Connect.
- ERROR 202: Talk or movement has been detected during the measurement. Please try to take a new measurement and make sure you follow the guidelines.
- ERROR 203: No heart rate has been detected. Please try to take a new measurement and make sure you follow the guidelines.
- ERROR 204: Error calculating blood pressure. Please try to take a new measurement and make sure you follow the guidelines.
- ERROR 205: Heart rate measurements are outside of the 40-180 bpm range the BPM Connect is certified to measure. As such, a low heart rate can result in this error message.
- ERROR 206: The measurement has been stopped manually.
- ERROR 220: Battery level is too low. Please charge BPM Connect using the provided charging cable before taking a new measurement. Make sure you follow the guidelines when taking a measurement.
- ERROR 221: Battery level is too high.
- ERROR 301: BPM Connect is not inflating correctly. Please try to take a new measurement and make sure you follow the guidelines.
- ERROR 303: BPM Connect failed to start a measurement. Please try to take a new measurement and make sure you follow the guidelines.
If you receive any of the error messages listed below, please reach out to Customer Service by clicking the Contact us button at the bottom of the page.
- ERROR 100
- ERROR 101
- ERROR 102
- ERROR 103
- ERROR 104
- ERROR 105
- ERROR 108
- ERROR 109